Our Hospital: Powai Thane

  • Patient Relationship Team
    Timing: 8 AM to 8 PM 86571 12432

Visiting Information

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  • Visiting Information

Family Involvement

Family members and close friends are encouraged to be a part of the care process, whenever appropriate. Your consultant doctor at the hospital and the nursing staff must however first give permission for you to be the part of the care process.
Permission from the management is also required for stay after visiting hours.
This will be given on written application.
In the rooms/wards only one attendant may stay with the patient. A pass has to be obtained from front office. The security may ask for the pass. Please keep the pass ready for the information.
Flowers are not allowed in the In-patients Areas.
Outside or home food is not permitted.
Nurse may ask visitors to leave the room if the patient’s condition so warrants or if hospital policies are not being followed. Your co-operation is solicited.


Attendant’s pass will allow the bearer of the pass to enter the hospital at any time until the patient is discharged.
A visitor’s pass will be valid from 5pm to 7pm on all days.
The nurses will encourage the relatives, in the interest of the patient, to keep visits to the minimum during visiting hours.
Extra visitors can wait in atrium lobby the bearer of the visitor’s pass comes down and hands over the pass.
This will be applicable for all days including Public Holiday and Sunday.

Visiting Hours – ICU / ICCU

Visitors are restricted in ICU and ICCU. However one relative with attendant pass can visit/wait in the ICU wait area.
