Our Hospital: Powai Thane

Transfusion Medicine & ImmunoHematology

Sr. No. Name Department Qualification Designation


Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital has an NABH accredited Blood Bank located at the basement floor of the hospital, that provides round the clock blood services with the help of a dedicated team of FDA approved Doctors, Nurses, technologists and counsellors. The blood bank is licensed by the Food & Drug administration (FDA) for the preparation and issue of blood components including components prepared using the Cell Separator (Apheresis). The blood centre is a member of the Maharashtra State Blood Transfusion Council (SBTC) and the Federation of Bombay Blood Banks (FBBB).

The Transfusion Medicine Department Includes

  • Blood Donation Centre: The department has a blood and blood component (Apheresis) donation centre which collects blood from 100% voluntary non-remunerated donors. The centre also provides pre and post donation counselling services with the help of trained counsellors. The blood donation service is available from 9.00am to 6.00pm on all weekdays.
  • Immunohaematology Lab: is a reference testing laboratory and performs specialized immunohematology tests. Fully automated systems such as the autovue is used to perform ABO & Rh blood grouping, Cross matching, Screening & Identification of antibodies, Phenotyping and other tests to resolve red cell discrepancies. This technology has helped to reduce turnaround time of blood issue significantly. The team of trained doctors and technologists provide fast, reliable and accurate results to save patient lives.

Immunohaematology Reference Testing Lab (IRL)

The need for a specialized reference testing lab within an accessible geography, led to the inception of the 24x7 Immunohematology Reference Lab at the Department of Transfusion Medicine & Immunohematology, Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital, in the year 2014. Our vision to render safe, accessible, affordable transfusions for patients in Western India became a reality. The IRL is well equipped to handle complex Immunohaematology related problems that directly affect patient outcomes and survival.  The IRL’s extensive specialized test menu attracts referrals from across states and specialty. The IRL has gradually progressed to include advisory and training services. Basic and Advanced Immunohaematology Wet workshops are conducted at regular intervals at state and national level. The IRL is supported by specialized reagents and fully automated equipments, with trained technologists and Doctors available 24x7 for testing and reporting.

The following specialized Test Menu is available round the clock to meet urgent and routine requirements 

  1. Red cell Antibody Screening and Identification.
  2. Extended Red cell Phenotyping. 
  3. Incompatible cross match workup.
  4. Positive DAT / IAT evaluation.
  5. Transfusion reaction evaluation.
  6. Prenatal / Postnatal / Intrauterine transfusion management.
  7. Autoantibody identification and management. 
  8. Adsorption-Elution of Cold / Warm autoantibodies.
  9. Cold agglutinin test.
  10. Saliva grouping Test.
  11. Resolution of Blood group discrepancies.
  12. Kleihauer-Betke test for Fetomaternal hemorrhage (FMH) estimation.
  13. Donath-Landsteiner test.
  14. Antibody titration/ABO incompatible transplant titre.
  • Component Lab: The donated blood is separated into its various components in a well equipped lab using a closed system of separation with advanced technology and automation. The lab is also equipped to provide leucoreduced blood and components for additional safety of patients. This ensures a regular supply of safe blood components to meet various patient requirements.
  • TTI Testing Lab: The lab for transfusion transmitted infectious disease testing of donated blood, is equipped with fully automated and sensitive analyzers  that screen blood for antibodies to HIV1 & 2 , Hepatitis B core,  Hepatitis C virus and Hepatitis B surface antigen. Additional tests are performed to screen blood for Syphilis & Malarial parasite using high quality and sensitive reagents.
  • Component Storage Lab: The lab is well equipped with Freezers and Refrigerators that are capable of storing blood and its components at ideal temperatures. Each equipment is attached to a wireless central monitoring system that monitors the storage temperature 24x7 and thus ensures the quality and reliability of components stored.

The department functions round the clock to ensure the quality and safety of blood and blood products to all patients.

Blood Donation Can Save Lives

Blood is a ‘gift of life’ that a healthy individual can safely give to those in need.

  • Blood cannot be manufactured.
  • Only human blood can be used for transfusion to human beings.
  • Blood donation requires only 30 minutes of your time.
  • Your body contains 5 litres of blood, of which you donate only 350 - 450ml.
  • Your blood volume gets replenished within 24 - 48 hours.
  • By donating one unit of blood you can save not just one but 3 lives.
  • Blood transfusions are frequently required for patients with various conditions like thalassemia, haemophilia, leukaemia, malignancies, organ transplant patients, accident victims, major surgeries, premature babies and many more.



Contact Us
For Blood requirements or Queries
You may contact us at our direct numbers : 022-25763355 / 3356 /3357
Email contact [email protected]

To Organize a Blood Donation Drive
To organize a blood donation drive or for more information you may contact the blood bank In-charge or the Medical Social Worker at our direct numbers : 022-25763355 /3356 /3357
Email at  [email protected]

Facilities / Services

Blood Products

  • Whole Blood
  • Red Blood Cell Concentrate
  • Random Donor Platelets ( RDP)
  • Single Donor Platelets (SDP)
  • Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)
  • Leuco depleted Red Blood cells
  • Cryoprecipitate
  • Cryo poor plasma(CPP)
  • Single donor Plasma

Blood Services (24x7)

  • Irradiation of Blood / Platelets
  • Leucoreduction of Blood / Platelets
  • Saline washing of Packed red blood cells
  • NAT Tested Blood (on request)
  • Incompatible Cross match workup
  • Antibody screening & Identification
  • Autoantibody Identification & Adsorption
  • Direct & Indirect  Antiglobulin test (Coombs test)
  • Resolving Blood group discrepancies
  • Confirmation of Weak D and Rh discrepancies
  • ABO / Rh titer
  • Platelet pheresis/ Plasmapheresis / Therapeutic Apheresis
  • Therapeutic Phlebotomy
  • Autologous Blood Collection
  • Kleihauer - Betke test ( Acid Elution Test)

 Our Activities

  • Blood Donor recruitment and Awareness drives
  • Platelet Donor recruitment and Awareness drives
  • Pre & Post Donation Counselling
  • HIV counselling
  • Workshops & Training Programs
  • Reference Testing Centre for Immunohematology
  • Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Donor Registration Centre for MDRI
  • Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Collection centre

Our Team

Speciality Testimonial

Contact us

Your query will be answered within 24 hours of time, in case of urgency one can email us on [email protected]