Nursing has been called the oldest of the art and the youngest of the profession. As such it has gone through many stages and has been an integral part of social movements. Nursing has been involved in the existing culture, shaped by it and yet being developed by it. Nurses played critical roles and responsibilities during the Covid -19 pandemic. They will continue to be at the front line for patient care in hospitals and community. The future will see great advantages in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness and disease with increasing demand for healthcare and health information. Nurses will be the preferred care providers and entry points for diverse services. At Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital, we believe the NURSE plays a pivotal role in enhancing health of every patient that comes to the hospital thus making our hospital the preferred choice for healing and good health.
The demands associated with nursing practice require a broad knowledge base and critical thinking abilities along with competent skills. The focus of nursing is shifting towards viewing patients as collaborative beneficiaries rather than passive recipient of care. Nursing will require psychological, social and physical skills and certain attitudes which are rooted in knowledge base for decision making, critical thinking abilities and skills in the technological aspects of care. We at Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital are planning to have our 4th Nursing Conclave specifically addressed to bring about Nurses Contribution in Healthcare and to enforce the message that Nurses are the Unstoppable Force in healthcare system.
Theme - Celebrating Nurses contribution in Healthcare, Sub theme – The Nursing way
For detailed information visit:
Date: 5th November 2022
Venue: The Lalit International Hotel.
Sahar Airport Road, Andheri (East),
Mumbai - 400059, India.
A week program was conducted in which our Nurses actively took part.
Nurse’s day was celebrated in Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital on 12th May, 2022. The program was started with an introductory video on Florence Nightingale followed by a Debate on the topic Nurses A Voice to Lead – Invest in Nursing and Respect rights to secure Global Health. The program was concluded by a speech from Director Nursing.
The Nursing department at Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital has conducted our 3rd Nursing conclave at Hotel Sahara star, Santacruz, Mumbai on 27th October, 2018 with a theme of Nursing is Healthcare –The Road to Achieve Excellence. Conclave was conducted with the intention to throw highlight on Nursing brings Care in Healthcare. A total of 371 members participated. Different sessions were conducted along with Panel discussion and intercollegiate competition to prepare future leaders in nursing. This was the third event and it gave new insight to nurses that Nursing is Healthcare.
A registered trademark of Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital, NurCON 2018 will host leaders in nursing healthcare. Through these visionary we seek to plant, in the minds of future nursing leaders, seeds that will burst forth with ground breaking ideas that will change the world. After all, nursing brings the “CARE” in healthcare. This is the third event conducted by the hospital.
The Chairperson of the conclave was Capt.Valsa Thomas, Director Nursing prepared the outline and the conclave was coordinated by Ms. Saly Suseel organizing secretary.
The chief guest for the conclave was Prof. Dr. Shashikala Wanjari, Vice Chancellor, SNDT University accepted our invitation for the conclave. The Guest of Honor was Ms. Swapna Joshi, Nursing Superintendent TATA Memorial Hospital, Recipient of Florence Nightingale award in 2017 from Honorable President.
NurCON 2018 – Report is published in International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 7(3): July – September 2019
Highlights of NURCON:
We at Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital has successfully completed a Nursing Conclave specifically addressed to bring about Excellence in Nursing and to enforce the message that it is Nursing that brings the ‘Care’ in healthcare. Over all NurCON 2018 was a grand success and outstanding conclave. It was best of its kind that boosted the morale and standard of nurses. The conclave paves the way to professional heights. NurCON 2018 had wide local press coverage too.