Sr. No. | Name | Department | Qualification | Designation |
Do you have the following symptoms?
Parkinson’s disease
Slowness of activities, Slowness of walking, Unsteadiness, Fear of falls, Falls, Shaking of hands, Speech disturbances, Sleep disturbances.
Atypical Parkinson’s
Urine disturbance, Swallowing disturbances, Behaviour issues, Memory issues.
Difficulty in signing, Difficulty in dressing, Difficulty in feeding from a spoon or cup, Tremor in the legs, Shaking of neck, Shaky voice.
Abnormal turning of neck, Abnormal twisting of hands or legs, Abnormal tongue movements.
Repetitive vocalization, Repetitive behaviours, Repetitive movements.
Abnormal eye shutting, Face spasms.
What are common examples of abnormal movements?
An abnormal movement may be one of the manifestations of another disease.
Which diseases show abnormal movements?
Facilities we offer in Movement Disorder Clinic
Advanced diagnosis and treatment
Depending on the medical condition, our Neurologist may ask for detailed tests like an MRI scan, genetic tests, nerve conduction test, etc.
Our Movement Disorder Neurologist at Dr. LH Hiranandani Hospital treats movement disorders with appropriate medications, botox injection and neurorehabilitation. Our team of full-time super specialists including Cardiologist, Urologist, Gastroenterologist and others are involved if necessary.
What about a child with abnormal movements?
In such situations, alongside the movement disorders a neurologist especially trained in child neurology (Pediatric Neurologist) is involved.
We understand a child’s anxiety related to his / her illness, meeting the doctor and undergoing tests. We approach such situations with utmost compassion and perseverance.
Your care team at Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital?
Movement Disorders Neurologist, Psychiatrist and Neurorehabilitation doctors at Dr. LH Hiranandani Hospital work together to offer the most appropriate treatment for your condition. You can count on us to deliver comprehensive care and the best outcomes.
What is Parkinson’s disease?
As age increases the production of some chemicals in the brain like Dopamine may decrease.
Dopamine helps in body movement, balance, and mental fitness. Naturally, dopamine deficiency leads to overall slowness, poor balance, falls, shaking of hands etc.
If not treated properly, the disease progresses and the person become more and more dependent.
You may feel that your family member has become slow, unsteady and may fall repeatedly, has lost interest in routine activities.
How do you diagnose Parkinson’s disease?
The diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease is mainly based on clinical examination by your Neurologist. Additional tests like an MRI and other blood tests are done if required.
Is it life threatening?
By itself, Parkinson’s disease is not life threatening.
However, Parkinson’s disease may lead to fall. He may sustain an injury to his head, face, or fracture of hip or backbone. This causes suffering and disability, or very rarely, death.
Similarly, in the advanced stages, a person may have choking while eating or drinking and develop lung infection which can be life threatening.
Is there a cure for Parkinson’s disease?
Parkinson’s disease can be kept under control. With medications and regular physiotherapy, the patient can lead an independent and productive life.
In select cases, advanced options like surgery can be discussed. But, even after surgery, medications have to be continued and regular follow up with Neurologist continues lifelong.
What is atypical Parkinsonism?
This term includes diseases which mimic classic Parkinson’s disease but also have additional features. These include behaviour or memory issues, swallowing difficulty and choking episodes, urine disturbances, etc.
Common examples include PSP, vascular Parkinsonism, multi-infarct state, drug-induced Parkinsonism to name a few.
Accurate diagnosis is essential because some these diseases are treatable. It can also help the Neurologist in anticipating and preventing complications.
How do you diagnose atypical Parkinson’s?
The diagnosis hinges on a detailed discussion with the patient and his caretakers followed by a thorough neurological examination. Additional tests like an MRI and other blood tests are done if required.
What is Tremor?
Abnormal uncontrolled repetitive shaking of a body part in medical terms is called a tremor.
It may be part of normal ageing or due to Parkinson’s disease. In others, it may be seen in multiple members of the same family or may be due to certain medications.
It may be mild, so as to go unnoticed or may interfere with everyday activities. The cause of tremor and its severity help in deciding the most suitable treatment.
What is Wilson’s disease?
When the body is unable to handle the copper in the body, it leads to abnormal deposition of this copper in various organs like the liver, brain and eyes. This leads to their malfunction.
Patients may typically come with complains of abnormal twisting of arms or legs, speaking difficulty, imbalance, dullness of behavior and body pain.
Wilson’s disease is most commonly seen in younger people.
The diagnosis is crucial as the disease can be controlled and even reversed. Diagnosis requires a combination of evaluation by Neurologist and Ophthalmologist, brain MRI, and certain blood and urine tests.
Location: 7th floor OPD.
Days & Timings: Monday to Friday: 10 am to 4 pm, Saturday: 12 pm to 4 pm.
For Appointment Contact
Clinic Coordinator: Madhavi Methakar - 022 25763500 / 9821405262