Our Hospital: Powai Thane

  • Patient Relationship Team
    Timing: 8 AM to 8 PM 86571 12432

Stress Urinary Incontinence Clinic (SUI)

Sr. No. Name Department Qualification Designation


Urogynaecology clinic has a multidisciplinary approach which offers you a joint consultation with Urologist & Gynaecologist, who would evaluate the condition and offer the most beneficial treatment for you. It is very important to determine the type of incontinence as the treatment of each type varies.

Stress Urinary Incontinence is a very distressing symptom. Urinary Incontinence basically means involuntary passage of urine while sneezing or coughing or whenever there is strain of the abdominal muscle. Any weakness of bladder supply and neurological problem can cause unwanted leak of urine. Urinary Incontinence (UI) is two times more common in elderly women than men. Most of the patients view this as a part of ageing and believe that it is a temporary problem or they just have to live with it.

Facilities / Services

Services Offered

  • Gynecological examination
  • Urological examination
  • Investigation like Urine analysis, Blood sugar for Diabetes, Ultrasonography, Urodynamic studies, Cystoscopy will be recommended as per the requirement
  • Conservative treatment / behavioural techniques available are:
    • Kagel’s pelvic exercises
    • Vaginal moulds & pelvic floor rehabilitation
    • Biofeedback Therapy
    • Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES)
    • Bladder training / timed voiding
    • Medicines
  • Surgical options like
    • Retropubic Bladder neck suspension
    • Transvaginal Tape (TVT)
    • Transobturator Tape (TOT)
    • Periurethral Bulking injections
    • Artificial Urinary Sphincter


Location: Ground floor OPD.

Days & Timings: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday: 3 pm - 4 pm.

                             Tuesday: 4 pm - 5 pm.

Clinic Coordinator: Ms Ujwala Pednekar - 022 25763500 / 9930916412.

Our Team

Speciality Testimonial

Contact us

Your query will be answered within 24 hours of time, in case of urgency one can email us on [email protected]