Our Hospital: Powai Thane

  • Patient Relationship Team
    Timing: 8 AM to 8 PM 86571 12432

Admission & Services Guide

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  • Admission & Services Guide

Welcome to Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital


Mahatma Gandhi had rightly said..

“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work - he is the purpose of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us the opportunity to serve him.”

The hospital has a guide book that has important information for you. Please do spend a few minutes reading it. If you have any questions thereafter please contact the Service Assistance Department who will help you. On behalf of the entire team at our hospital, we wish you a comfortable stay and a speedy recovery.

Admission to the Hospital

Your health provider has arranged for you to be admitted for medical treatment. To begin the process, you or a member of your family will need to meet our front office executive at the multitask counter at the ground level. For hospital admission, kindly bring your government recognized Photo ID Proof.
At the reception, the registration form will have to be filled in, with the necessary information, which is mandatory for us to register you as a patient. A minimum deposit (unless corporate or insured) will be requested at the time of admission. Admission desk is open for 24 hours a day. For planned surgeries hundred percent advance will be taken prior to admission.

Patient availing cashless benefit facility from empanelled Third Party Administrator (TPA) are requested to submit their completed Pre-Authorization (PA) request form to the billing counter with in 24 hrs of admission along with other documents (*list mention below). For list of emplaned TPA kindly contact the billing counter.

In case of planned admission, it would be advisable to approach the hospital at least 7 days in advance with completed preauthorization request form another document mentioned below.

Please note that the filling of the PA form and getting approval from the TPA is the responsibility of the patient.

Kindly submit below documents along with Pre-Authorization Form

  1. Patient ID proof and address proof to mandatory (Adhaar Card/ Pan Card/ Passport/ Driving Licence/Ration Card/ Voter’s Card)
  2. Policy holder /main member in policy – ID proof and address proof
  3. TPA card of current year / current year policy
  4. Treatment record prior to this hospitalization
    1. Doctor’s prescription / Discharge summary
    2. Investigation reports related to relevant treatment
  5. Treatment record related to current hospitalization
    1. OPD prescription in planned admission/ emergency notes in emergency admission
    2. Investigation reports related to relevant treatment 
  1. MLC copy to be provided along with self-declaration (reason for accident, location & timing) for all accident case.


The rooms on the 4th and 5th floors have sharing accommodation. There is a new generation of single rooms from the 9th to the 11th floor. On the 12th floor we have deluxe suites and presidential suites. The ambience and the view is superlative.
11th floor has a family lounge with a breathtaking view that is meant for the patient and relatives to spend time together.

Your Personal belongings

Pack light when you come to the hospital for admission. The toiletries like soap, toothbrush, toothpaste can be provided to you by the hospital, in a kit.


Please do not keep valuables or excess money with you. We advise you to ask relatives to look after your valuables and money as the hospital does not accept responsibility for loss or damage of your possession.

Day Space

Day spaces have been created on the 4th & 5th floors for the use of ambulatory patients, convalescing patients and relatives. These day spaces provide an opportunity for patients to leave the confines of their room, if they are permitted by the treating doctor.

Discharge Information

An approval and written order from your consultant doctor is required for the discharged process to be initiated. It is only after this does the actual billing process begins. The floor nurse will start the discharge formalities. This entails her liaising with all the hospital departments. Once the information has been collated, the nurse will ask a relative to go to the multitask counter with the discharge card. The front office cross checks the information received from the ward with the concerned department. The discharge process takes up to one and half hours for completing all the formalities. Time taken for TPA (Insurance) will depend on how accurately the TPA form is filled up by you, additional amount if required and the medical case history. Discharged patients are requested not to stay in the hospital after the discharge formalities are over. Discharged patients are requested to show their settled bill to the security guard at the floor for exit. The security staffs have been instructed to politely ask for the same settled bill. We request you to make arrangements to vacate the room prior to 12 noon. Staying beyond this time will necessitate an additional charge. Your co-operation is requested.

  • Bed charges accounting time of a patient is 12 noon to 12 noon
  • Patients getting admitted before 7 am will be charged full day charge for previous day.
  • Patients getting admitted between 7 am to 12 pm will be charged half day charge for previous day.
  • Half day charges shall be applicable for patients getting discharged between 12 pm to 5 pm.
  • A full day bed charges will be applicable for patients getting discharged after 5 pm.

Feedback and Redressal

In our constant endeavour to improve services rendered, we will be interested in knowing your experience as a patient in our hospital. Please complete the feedback form. Your suggestions will help the hospital and its staff to serve patients better.


Financial arrangements for your hospitalization stay must be made prior to or at the time of admission. Charges for all the procedures & investigations will vary as per the class of accomodation.


Changing Category of Accomodation

For transfer from a lower class to higher class the billing will be in the higher class from the date of admission, inclusive of all charges for the higher category

For transfer from higher class to a lower class the charges will be maintained for higher class till the time of ACTUAL transfer. All the services availed in the lower class will be billed for the lower class from the date of transfer. If a surgery has been performed prior to the transfer, then it will be billed in the original higher class.

Emergency Charges

Emergency charges are applicable from 6 pm to 8 am on regular days and 24 hrs on Sunday and public holidays. Emergency charges shall be 150% of the hospital tariff.



Patient will have to pay 100% of estimated hospitalization bill prior to admission. Patient availing cashless facility will have to pay a security deposit as per estimated bill amount and is non-adjustable during discharge. This will be refunded (after necessary deduction) only after the hospital receives the payment from the concerned TPA.

Sponsored Account / TPA

If your account is to be paid by your sponsor, please ensure that you bring a signed letter from your sponsor clearly accepting responsibility for all medical treatment and giving an undertaking to settling the bill. The hospital will provide treatment in the ward specified by your sponsor. Any deviations from the instructions will be billed directly to you with information to the sponsor.



Every private room has a telephone that enables you to make calls within the hospital. To receive direct call in your room please contact the nursing station for the direct number or check the number mention in the phone instrument. If you wish to make local call or STD/ISD calls, please dial 9 for the operator who will help you. No personal calls are permitted in the Critical Care Units.


A copy of the daily newspaper will be delivered to your room. You are requested to requisition the same with the nurse on duty. This will be at an additional cost.

Dietary Services

Food is an important part of the service rendered. The hospital’s dietician personally supervises the menu. The food has a balance of carbohydrate, protein and fat. The hospital does not permit food from outside. Patient’s attendant can have their meals at the cafeteria situated on the Ground floor. Food is not permitted in the room for the attendant except in higher class of rooms. Outside food is not allowed in the cafeteria. The dietician will visit you daily.

Medical Treatment

Your consultant doctor at Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital is responsible for your treatment while you are in the hospital. Your doctor will recommend the diagnostic tests, medication, diet and other treatment.

Nursing Care

Our nursing staff will attend to you after admission to the ward. She will familiarize you with the room, the bed head panel switches and the Nurse Call device. In case you need to call the nurse please use the nurse call device. In case you have specific nursing needs please inform the Nurse Executive of the floor.


Your medications will be prescribed by your doctor. It will be provided by the hospital pharmacy which is open 24 hours. The pharmacy is staffed by a registered pharmacist. Hospital policy does not encourage medicine to be sourced from outside.

Resident Doctors

Qualified and well trained doctors are available in the hospital. They report to the Consultant and update them on your general conditions. They will take rounds to monitor and assess your progress. Resident doctors only follow the orders given by your consultants. They will attend to you in case of emergency.

Ambulance Services

The ambulance is available for use by patients upon prior notification for Emergencies, To bring patients from another hospital, To send a patient to another hospital for services not available in this hospital, Hospital policy does not permit use of hospital ambulance when patient is discharged against medical advice, Outside Ambulance services will be referred in this case
