A descriptive study to assess the knowledge and practices regarding biomedical waste manangement among healthcare proffessionals in a selected hospital , mumbai
Ms.Shweta Sawant, Ms.Saly Suseel, Ms. Soniya Susan Varghese, Ms. Jincy Josep
Aim: To assess the knowledge and practices regarding biomedical waste management among healthcare professionals. Background: Health care waste is a unique category of waste by the quality of its composition, source of generation, its hazardous nature and the need for appropriate protection during handling, treatment and disposal. Mismanagement of the waste affects not only the generators, operators but also the common people too. Methods: Descriptive study was conducted in different departments of multi specialty hospital. Conclusion: Knowledge level of the samples was good and excellent but some practice levels were not up to the standard. Corrective steps were taken to improve the practices.
Bio medical waste is any kind of waste containing infectious or potentially infectious materials which may include solid or liquid waste generated from biological and medical sources and activities such as diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases. [1] Bio-medical waste (BMW) management is a very important but challenging task for the health workers. The safe and sustainable management of bio medical waste is legal and social responsibility of Professionals who work in collaboration with health care team and financing the health care team. [2] Health care team should always be aware about the categories of hospital waste and segregation. It is also important to practice the proper knowledge regarding biomedical waste management. [3]
DISCUSSION -All healthcare settings produce biomedical waste. Such waste is dangerous and needs safe disposal. This can be dangerous for human beings and environment which has the capacity to transmit infections particularly HIV, Hepatitis B and C to those people who handle it or come in contact with it. Biomedical waste poses hazard due to two reasons – infectivity and toxicity.[9] According to this study knowledge level of participants were excellent. Maximum participants have good practice but also we have seen that there is scope for improvement. Management has taken measures to improve the practices such as surprise audits and onsite correction.
Knowledge level of the samples was good and excellent but some practice levels were found to be poor. Corrective steps were taken to improve the practices.
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A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching program regarding patient safety goals among staff nurses in dr. Lh hiranandani hospital, mumbai
Ms. JincyJoseph, Ms. Saly Suseel, Ms. Elizabeth Thomas
Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital, Powai, Mumbai 40076, Maharashtra.
In this study one group pre-test and post-test design was used .Non- probability convenient sampling technique was used for the study. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data.
Patient safety goals are an integral part of the hospital setup. Knowledge and awareness of the staff nurses regarding the same is very essential to ensure patient safety. A structured questionnaire was given to collect the data after which planned teaching was given to the staff nurses regarding patient safety goals was found to be only 10% and after the post test it was found to be increased up to 64% . Z score was found to be 8.4 which indicated that null hypothesis is rejected. P value was found to be zero .Thus, establishing that patient safety is a discipline that emphasizes safety in health care through the prevention, reduction, reporting and analysis of error and other types of unnecessary harm those often lead to adverse events.
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