Paediatric Surgery
Visiting Consultant
M. S. (Bom), M. Ch. (Paed Surg.)
Dr Ketan Parikh is working as a Consultant Paediatric Surgeon at Dr L H Hiranadani Hospital since July 2010. A senior pediatric surgeon with approximately 30 years' experience in pediatric and neonatal surgery. A pioneer of pediatric laparoscopy in the country.
He has written chapters such as Contributor for the Paediatric Surgical Chapter in the IAP Text-Book of Paediatrics (Jaypee Publications): eds 1st to 5th, Sectional editor: for Pediatric Surgery section of the 1st edition of the IAP Colour Atlas of Pediatrics (2012), Author- Pediatric surgical chapter: Partha's Fundamental of Pediatrics, Jaypee Publications 2013, Section editor & contributor: Case scenarios in Pediatric and adolescent practice, Jaypee publications (2014), Chapter contributor: FAQs in pediatric and adolescent practice, Jaypee brothers medical Publishers (P) Ltd (2015). Papers published by him are Case report: Omental torsion Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons, Year 2008, Volume 13, Issue 4, Case report: Primary anterior urethral diverticulum, Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons, Year 2007, Volume 12, Issue 1, Paediatric Endoscopy (4 issues): In Doctor's Profile '93-'94, Inguino-scrotal problems in children: The Bombay Hosp Journal, No.1, 1992, Urinary tract infection in children -A review: The Bombay Hosp Journal No. 2, 1989.
His areas of interest lie in Pediatric laparoscopy, Pediatric thoracoscopy and stealth surgery and Pediatric urology.