Stroke (Brain attack) occurs due to a sudden blockage of blood supply to the brain or rupture of blood vessels in the brain Because brain cells in the immediate area cannot get oxygen and nutrients when they suffer a stroke, they begin to die.
Uncontrolled hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity, smoking and excessive alcohol intake, underlying cardiac diseases. A comprehensive stroke care program has been established at Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital for the treatment of acute and chronic strokes.
Stroke can be diagnosed by anyone remember FAST
During a stroke, every minute counts. You could save a life by recognizing these signs of a stroke.
F - Face -Ask the person to smile, is one side of the face is drooping
A - Ask the patient to lift both arms, one arm is drifting down compared to other
S - Speech -Ask patient to speak, speech is slurred
T - Time is the brain, Emergency medical attention required
The patient has to rush to Stroke Center in Mumbai, where CT /MRI facility is available and the best Neurologist in Mumbai is available.
Almost anyone can suffer from a stroke. Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital is dedicated to maintaining the health of stroke patients by providing proper nutrition and medical care.
There are 2 types of brain stroke (brain attack)
To prevent the first stroke in persons with risk factors, as well as transient ischemic attacks, and relapse of stroke in those who have already had one, a comprehensive risk factor reduction program will be provided by lifestyle modification, smoking cessation, exercise, stress management, and medications.
A person with a suspected stroke needs immediate medical attention in order to receive the most effective treatment for a brain attack in Mumbai.
If a patient visits the emergency within 4.5 hours (270 minutes) best treatment can be offered to avoid morbidity
If you or a loved one is suffering from a stroke, join the Stroke treatment Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital to make a difference.